David is a designer from Brussels. While wondering how to be a socially committed maker in the neoliberal age, he is building a practice of making openings.
Openings as possibilities, chances, opportunities for someone to step in and experience something new. He found himself opening a public sauna, setting up a free expression service called Open Expression Support and creating a digital tool (www.texttotree.com) to motivate himself and others to open up and write out their thoughts.
David also makes music and enjoys making observations. He can be intrigued by big themes such as darkness and creativity, communicating his learnings by collecting and retelling stories through film, soundscape or performance.
You can learn more at davidmartens.com
Background audio: David’s performance during a working session we ran with the European Commission’s DG GROW. After his words, the audience creates the sounds of rain in a forest just by copying his gestures. Enjoy.